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Puri Art Gallery and InnoEU ART Present "EXOTICA" at Art Jakarta 2024: A Showcase of Unusual and Exciting Contemporary Works by Balinese Artists

Jakarta, Indonesia – [1 October 2024] – Puri Art Gallery, in collaboration with InnoEU ART, is thrilled to announce its participation in Art Jakarta 2024 with EXOTICA, an extraordinary exhibition featuring contemporary works by Balinese artists. These artists, known for their vibrant imaginations and deeply rooted traditions, have created masterpieces that blend the essence of Balinese culture with cutting-edge 21st-century creativity and innovation.


The exhibition will highlight a stunning array of works that celebrate the dynamic fusion of traditional and modern art. EXOTICA showcases an exceptional group of emerging and established Indonesian artists, all of whom have drawn inspiration from the rich cultural heritage of Bali and Indonesia at large.


Art Jakarta 2024 will feature a special presentation by renowned Balinese artists such as Ida Bagus Made Widja, I Dewa Putu Mokoh, I GAK Murniasih, and Satya Cipta, whose works reflect the deep cultural traditions of the region with a contemporary flair. Alongside them, contemporary artists IG Sukarya, Sarita Ibnoe, Sugiri Willim, Richard Meyer, Rio Saren, Neal Adams, I Made Suartama, Ida Bagus Punia, and Alessio Ceruti will present their innovative creations, providing a diverse and compelling visual narrative.


Adding to this exciting showcase, I Made Aswino Aji, Agung Pramana, and Dewa Made Johana will unveil a special screenprint project, offering a fresh take on modern techniques inspired by traditional forms.


Event Details:


Exhibition Name: EXOTICA – Contemporary Balinese and Indonesian Art at Art Jakarta 2024

Dates: 4 - Oct 2024

Location: Art Jakarta 2024 - Ji Expo Kemayoran


Through EXOTICA, Puri Art Gallery and InnoEU ART aim to introduce audiences to the richness of Balinese and Indonesian culture as expressed through contemporary art. This vibrant exhibition not only honors the traditions of the past but also celebrates the bold and exciting directions that modern artists are taking in the global art scene.


We warmly invite you to experience this captivating exhibition and immerse yourself in the unique world of Balinese and Indonesian contemporary art.


For press inquiries or further information, please contact:


Yuanita Sawitri


Puri Art Gallery



About Puri Art Gallery:

Established in 2001 in Malang, East Java, Puri Art Gallery is a leading institution dedicated to the promotion of contemporary Indonesian art. The gallery has played a key role in supporting the careers of both emerging and established artists through exhibitions and participation in international art fairs.


We look forward to welcoming you at EXOTICA at Art Jakarta 2024!

Press Release
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Pameran Seni Im/materialitas

Ubud, 20 Oktober 2023 - Puri Art Gallery, berkolaborasi dengan Titik Dua Ubud, akan mengadakan pameran seni rupa bertajuk “IM/MATERIALITAS” seiring dalam rangkaian acara Ubud Writers & Readers Festival dan Bali Art Month 2023. Pameran ini akan menampilkan perspektif lain dari tujuh seniman kontemporer Indonesia, yang mengeksplorasi hubungan dinamis antara materialitas dan abstraksi dalam seni kontemporer.

Acara yang diselenggarakan mulai tanggal 21 Oktober hingga 7 November 2023 ini akan diadakan di Titik Dua Ubud dengan menampilkan 16 karya yang ditampilkan dengan pendekatan material yang berbeda-beda.


Image 01. Sarita Ibnoe, Particles of Beginnings 03, Mix Media on Canvas, 30 x 135, 2023

Seniman-seniman kontemporer yang berpartisipasi dalam pameran ini meliputi Irene Febry, I Gede Sukarya, Alexander Sebastianus Hartanto, Olen Riyanto, Aharimu x Wedoo, Sarita Ibnoe dan Gusti Dalem. Kelompok beragam ini akan menjelajahi interaksi dinamis antara materialitas dan konsep abstrak dalam karya-karya mereka.

“Im/materialitas” hadir menjadi sebuah wadah refleksi yang dapat mencerminkan ketegangan yang ditemukan dalam ekspresi materialitas masa kini dalam seni kontemporer; berakar kuat pada batas-batas fisik, proses dan makna, namun pada saat yang sama dapat mendekonstruksi dan menggoyahkan konteks-konteks tersebut untuk mengungkapkan aspek-aspek konseptual dalam karya tiap seniman.


Image 02. Gede Sukarya, Back to Life, Cow Hide, 138 x 122 cm, 2023

Pameran ini bermaksud menggambarkan bagaimana kajian kita atas ketegangan antara yang berwujud dan yang abstrak, serta bagaimana dampak perkembangan global terkini pada peradaban manusia dalam memperkuat atau melemahkan hubungan ini, dapat membantu mendorong eksplorasi yang lebih besar mengenai apa yang dimaksud dengan ekspresi artistik dan pembuatan seni kontemporer.

Puri Art Gallery dan Titik Dua Ubud mengundang para penggemar seni, kolektor dan masyarakat umum untuk bergabung dengan kami pada acara diskusi seni dan pembukaan pameran ini, hari Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2023, pukul 16:00 WITA yang berlokasi di Titik Dua Ubud.


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan kunjungi situs web Puri Art Gallery di atau ikuti kami di media sosial @puriartgallery.

Press Release
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MICROCOSM in Irene Febry's Collage Work



Bali, 14 May 2021 -

Puri Art Gallery and Uma Seminyak collaborate to present Irene Febry's solo exhibition entitled Microcosm.


"It doesn't matter how slowly you go so long as you don't stop." - Confucius


For Irene Febry, the Confucius quote above reflects her journey as an artist. “In my work, I work slowly because I feel doubtful and don't have confidence in my abilities as an artist. Until finally in the last few years I managed to accept this slow way of working as a way I grew up in a small world that reflects my personal journey as an artist. In this solo exhibition, you will see the difference from previous works in terms of color and shape. " said Irene.







Image 01. Growth, Mixed Media Collage on Acid Free Mount Board, 2009


In the process of creating her works, she always starts with small pieces of paper, which then increase in size and in detail. Gradually, Irene's work becomes pieces of a small world in the form of colors and shapes; who interact with each other and form relationships and dynamics. This composition is framed in one abstract collage work with bolder colors and incorporates many geometric shapes in addition to organic shapes.


The Microcosm series is Irene's tiny world, the bubble she lives in. An abstract collage that gives a sense of space and life through shapes and colors. An abstract shape that allows the pareidolia effect to exist in the mind of the viewer. His work provides absolute freedom of imagination and interpretation based on everyone's experiences, ideas and feelings.


Image 02. Microcosm VI (Mixed Media Collage on Acid Free Mount Board,  92 x 86 cm, 2020)


"Uma Seminyak has been very interested in presenting Irene's solo exhibition since the first encounter with Irene's work in 2018 at a collective exhibition of women artists in Ubud." explained Ruth Onduko (Community Manager of Uma Seminyak).


Yuanita Sawitri, Director of Puri Art Gallery, also mentioned “We want to show to the public about Irene's works, especially her interest in collage techniques and her tiny world. And to coincide with the Art Moment Jakarta Online event, we hope that art lovers can appreciate Irene's techniques and new media through her works and hopefully these works will bring new nuances to our art scene."


Microcosm is Irene Febry's first solo exhibition presented by Puri Art Gallery and Uma Seminyak, which will be exhibited from 22 May to 11 June 2021 at the Uma Seminyak showroom. This exhibition will feature 14 works from the Microcosm series, 1 collective work, as well as various programs such as workshops and Art Talks. During the duration of the exhibition, Irene will create an installation similar to a globe which is an interactive work with the community entitled Macrocosm, the community work that invites visitors to create their own microcosm, and place them together in a complete cosmic circle. (end)

Jakarta Post, Tuesday October 27th 2020
Media Indonesia, Sunday March 11th 2018
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